What is the Accuracy of Water Leak Detection?

Water leak detection is a precise method of locating water leaks in your home. Leak detection can have an accuracy rate of up to 90% when using modern equipment. Because of the high accuracy rate, your home will sustain less damage and you will be able to resolve the plumbing issue as quickly as possible. Why is it critical to notice a water leak as soon as possible? There are several reasons why early detection of a water leak is critical. A water leak can cause a lot of harm to your property if left unattended. From decaying wood and stained carpets to burst pipes and electrical problems, there's a lot that can go wrong. This form of harm is not only expensive but also dangerous. The sooner a leak is discovered, the more likely it is to be repaired at a lesser cost. Is there a slab leak? A leak in the pressurized freshwater pipes delivering water to all of your home's faucets What can be done about it? The first method for repairing a leak is to jackhammer the concrete sla...